Build The Nest Early And Retire At 50

Investments are the rose-beds for old age. So it is imperative that you invest and ensure a comfortable future, after you retire. But investment involves a lot of strategy and planning. A smart investor would know what to invest, where to invest and most importantly, when to invest. As far as this ‘when’ goes, it’s always best to start building one’s nest early and hoard enough to retire at 50. That way, you can devote big time doing things closest to your heart post-retirement.

There are several ways to build one’s funds, but one must weigh the stakes and opportunities of every investment vehicle. The idea is to work hard, spend judiciously and save consciously. Unless you save at least 20%-25% of your income, you’ll probably not make it to an early retirement.

The big question is “how”?

Well, let’s begin from home. Cut down your expenses. Too much of eat-outs or unplanned spending are the usual deterrents to your savings. So check that. Then, may be changing your Lexus for the new Audi, and that for a Benz, all in a span of 10 years wouldn’t be a nice idea if you’re willing to build a ‘nest’. However, you must not stifle your living. Stay in the comfort zone, but be prudent.

Another significant way to grow your nest is by investing on a 401(k) plan, if your company offers one. A 401(k) has superb benefits—your money is directly saved from your paycheck, the money grows tax-free until withdrawn and your employer matches a percent of what you invest.

Next, invest your on IRAs. The traditional IRAs provide attractive benefits like the 401(k): it’s tax-free till withdrawn, you’ve a chance to deduct your contribution on your tax return, you can invest in anything. And if it’s a Roth IRA, you can’t deduct your contributions; but, you can withdraw money anytime tax-free and without penalty. The best part is: the money you reap from a 401(k) or IRA is taxed as your ordinary income. So it’s favorable for you.

Often people tap into the retirement savings prior to retirement. But this is totally uncalled-for as this leaves you with a much smaller nest after taxes and penalties.

Another common method to build funds is to invest in stocks. Though the stock market is never constant and is a risky mode of investment, the rewards are far too good to miss. It’s a huge advantage if you manage to understand stock market trends and invest accordingly. Keeping an eye on stock charts, or staying tuned to the market news helps a good deal on this regard. There are several websites dedicated to these. You may also consider taking a fund manager. But you must have 75%-80% of your portfolio in stocks, the market staggering notwithstanding.

So save throughout your career. And when the nest is ready, give wings to all your crazy desires for the rest of your life.